The Grand Chapter Conclave was held in Houston, TX on 7/24-7/27. This was the largest gathering of SigEps in the world. Every two years, SigEps from all over meet for recognition of brothers, fellowship with one another, and the conduct of important business. This summer was no different.
The Purdue SEC sent two brothers to this summer’s Conclave. Cory Cooper was sent as a delegate and Tyler Stejskal was sent as an alternate. As delegate, Cory attended committee meetings where he was a member of the ritual committee. Also, Cory attended legislation sessions where the voting on national board positions and resolutions took place. Tyler attended professional development sessions to learn skills and ideas that he could bring back to the chapter.
Tyler had the following to say about his experience at conclave:
It was only a few months since I’ve joined SigEp as a member of the Indiana Alpha chapter. We just recently rebooted the program and I was very skeptical about being apart of a program that previously got shut down. My worries completely dissipated after my Conclave trip to Houston. The trip was a strong reassurance that we were not simply a chapter of 16 guys with little experience and knowledge. I got to learn a lot about the organization and that we had an immense support system from nationals. Many of the other SigEp members I met there were very enthusiastic about their own chapters and surprisingly for ours as well. From the moment I landed at the George Bush airport that day, I saw Sigma Phi Epsilon letters everywhere. Until the very last moment which I boarded my plane back home, my time was well spent with another SigEp. The conclave trip was one I won’t forget and I’m excited to go to as many future ones as possible.